There are a lot of items that come with Owner's Manuals. Keep these manuals. You may be surprised by how much information is included in them. We have had items that we thought were broken, only to review the owner's manual and discover that there is a simple fix to the problem. These can be valuable for you as long as you own the item and they can increase the resale value of items you no longer need. Sometimes a simple and inexpensive fix can restore something that you thought would have to be replaced, saving you the price of replacement.
Happy Saving!
Until Tomorrow!
Saturday, August 17, 2013
Thursday, August 15, 2013
228. Think Before you Print
I know that I am a culprit of printing unnecessarily, and I can verify that it definitely wastes money. The cost of the ink and the cost of the paper can add up quickly. If you are thinking of printing, make sure that you really need to print. You can also print on the back of paper that you have used previously. Think before you print!
Happy Not Printing!
Until Tomorrow!
Happy Not Printing!
Until Tomorrow!
227. School Supplies
I have discovered that school supplies can cost a pretty penny, so we began to find opportunities for savings with them. I started to clean up, repair, and save items that are in pretty good condition from previous years, then I save them in my school supply box. Then, when school begins we search through this box first. Once we have gotten anything usable out of there, we figure out if there is anything else needed. Then, we make a run to the store. There are some things that I know are used a lot that I may purchase multiples of when they are on sale.
Happy Reusing!
Until Tomorrow!
Happy Reusing!
Until Tomorrow!
226. Homemade Birthday Cakes
One of the pricier items for a birthday party is the commercially purchased birthday cake. If you are having a children's party, you can most definitely make your own cake, or cup cakes. There are a number of decorating options, if that is what you want. We have done everything from themed cakes to child decorated cup cakes. If you want to save some cash, opt for making your own.
Happy Partying!
Until Tomorrow!
Happy Partying!
Until Tomorrow!
225. Don't get Subscriptions that You Don't Read
I don't know about you, but I certainly don't have time to read a newspaper every day. I do have time occasionally and on those days, I will pick up a paper from the store. The same holds true with magazines. There are some that I like to read and will pick up when I have the time to read them. At one time, I had a subscription to the newspaper every day, I ended up with a stack of papers that I had never read, so I switched to a once a week subscription and that worked pretty well. We do have a couple of magazine subscriptions and those magazines are read and re-read, so they are worth the cost; however, the two that we had that never got read - got cancelled. Think seriously about whether or not you are reading those printed items that are delivered directly to you.
Happy Reading!
Until Tomorrow!
Happy Reading!
Until Tomorrow!
Sunday, August 11, 2013
224. Re-use Utensils Pack Your Lunch
Save yourself some money and save the environment by re-using your utensils. We even re-use the plastic ones, they wash up just fine and if it accidentally gets thrown away, it doesn't cost a lot to replace. If you purchase some utensils from a second hand store, you can use those as your lunch utensils!
Happy Packing!
Until Tomorrow!
Happy Packing!
Until Tomorrow!
Saturday, August 10, 2013
223. Buying Insurance
You should only buy insurance for specific items that you cannot afford to replace. You should not buy insurance for an item that can easily be replaced. When you pay for insurance on an item monthly, it may not seem as though you are paying a lot; however, that amount adds up quickly. Make sure that you are not paying more to insure the item than the item is worth.
Happy Saving!
Until Tomorrow!
Happy Saving!
Until Tomorrow!
Friday, August 9, 2013
222. Avoid "Gotcha" Fees
Make sure that you pay attention to the small print in any "deal" that you sign up for. There have been many times when some small undisclosed fee is automatically added to a bill. By watching the billing and paying attention to all of the fees charged, I have gotten these removed or corrected. This ends up saving me a little bit a number of times. A lot of these fees are automatically assessed and most people don't even notice them, so they just pay and the company makes money. If you watch your bills and make sure that you are not paying for any of these crazy fees, you can save yourself some cash.
Happy Avoiding!
Until Tomorrow!
Happy Avoiding!
Until Tomorrow!
Thursday, August 8, 2013
221. Do Not Get into the Payday Advance Cycle
One way to truly save money is to never get a payday advance. The interest rate alone could put you in the poor house. Do what you can to avoid these types of loans under all circumstances; once you get into this cycle, it is very difficult to get yourself out.
Happy Budgeting!
Until Tomorrow!
Happy Budgeting!
Until Tomorrow!
Wednesday, August 7, 2013
220. Don't Purchase the Store Protection Plan
Make sure that before you purchase the store protection plan, you research thoroughly if the cost is justified. Check the price of the item and the manufacturer's protection policy before you pay the extra for a protection plan that may not actually provide you any service. I have been offered a $5 protection plan on a $15 product. That does not seem to make good financial sense.
Happy Researching!
Until Tomorrow!
Happy Researching!
Until Tomorrow!
219. Reuse
If you can figure out a way to reuse stuff that you already own. Sometimes if you really use your imagination, you can come up with new ways to use your old stuff so that it will work for you again. We have used a twin bed as a couch, a little plant stand as an end table, a chair as an end table, a small dinner tray as a bed side table, a small coffee table as a TV stand, an end table as a printer stand, etc. There are a multitude of methods to reuse items that you already have to fit what you need. Sometimes some paint or a piece of fabric can completely change one item into something completely new.
Happy Reusing!
Until Tomorrow!
Happy Reusing!
Until Tomorrow!
218. Find and Use a Cheaper Stylist
One of the things that ends up costing women (in particular) a fortune is getting their hair done at a salon. I have searched for a stylist that I like who happens to be affordable, and this was not easy. I still don't understand why it costs so much more to get the same haircut at different locations. The good news is that there are so many stylists and so many locations, choices are available.
Happy Styling!
Until Tomorrow!
Happy Styling!
Until Tomorrow!
217. Use Cloth Diapers for Baby
When our first child was born, we never even considered cloth diapers. The disposable ones seemed to work just fine, although they cost us a fortune. When our second child was born, she would get an immediate rash from most disposable diapers, so we had to do something. We could either switch to the very expensive, natural disposable diapers, or use cloth. We opted for cloth and discovered that we were saving a small fortune in diapering.
Happy Saving!
Until Tomorrow!
Happy Saving!
Until Tomorrow!
Sunday, August 4, 2013
216. Ask for a Discount
Sometimes being up front enough to ask for a discount can save you cash. There are a number of companies that offer discounts for being a member of a variety of groups and there are some companies that do have discounts, but they are only available when you make the request.
Happy Inquiring!
Until Tomorrow!
Happy Inquiring!
Until Tomorrow!
Saturday, August 3, 2013
215. Ask questions
If you really want to save money, ask questions. By asking questions, you can become better informed and can often save yourself some money and some frustration. By making sure that you understand what you are paying for and what the value is, you can make informed decisions.
Happy Questioning!
Until Tomorrow!
Happy Questioning!
Until Tomorrow!
Friday, August 2, 2013
214. Free Exams Through Insurance
Make sure that you take advantage of your free medical, dental, vision, etc exams through your insurance. You (or your employer) are paying for this benefit, make sure that you get the most out of it. These exams can often be an important part of staying healthy. Make sure that you are using your benefits.
Happy Checkup!
Until Tomorrow!
Happy Checkup!
Until Tomorrow!
Thursday, August 1, 2013
213. Check for reductions in monthly services
Check with your monthly service providers to see if you can reduce your expenses. Sometimes, if you are thinking of cancelling a service, the provider will work with you to see if there is a way to reduce your cost. There could, also, be ways to reduce your usage so that the cost goes down. Get creative!
Happy Reducing!
Until Tomorrow!
Happy Reducing!
Until Tomorrow!
Wednesday, July 31, 2013
212. Home Phone
If you seldom use your home phone and/or you have good signal/service on your cell phone, get rid of the home phone. Really look at the usefulness of the service being provided and the cost of having it. If it does not make sense, discontinue the service.
Happy Minimizing!
Until Tomorrow!
Happy Minimizing!
Until Tomorrow!
Tuesday, July 30, 2013
211. Pay Off Credit Cards
If you use your credit cards to save money, you need to pay off the balance every month. This will allow you to take advantage of the free money during your billing cycle, but will not let you incur any interest.
Happy Spending!
Until Tomorrow!
Happy Spending!
Until Tomorrow!
Monday, July 29, 2013
210. Keep Receipts
Make sure that if you itemize your tax deductions, you keep your donation receipts and keep records of all charitable work. This will make claiming these deductions on your taxes much easier to do. It will save you from paying taxes on those gifts.
Happy Giving!
Until Tomorrow!
Happy Giving!
Until Tomorrow!
Sunday, July 28, 2013
209. Better Gas Mileage
When you purchase your car, make sure that you check on the gas mileage. Use the information that you find to buy a car with the best gas mileage that will work for your situation.
Happy Driving!
Until Tomorrow!
Happy Driving!
Until Tomorrow!
208. Quality Clothing
One way to save some money is to purchase quality staple pieces of clothing and add in cheaper fashion forward pieces each season. If you use your money to purchase some quality items that will last you a while and that can be used with multiple cheaper pieces. The cheaper pieces can fill in to keep your wardrobe up to date.
Happy Fashion!
Until Tomorrow!
Happy Fashion!
Until Tomorrow!
Friday, July 26, 2013
207. Check Your Cell Phone Plan
Check your plan every year to make sure that you have a plan that works for your usage. You may also want to compare providers.
Happy Comparing!
Until Tomorrow!
Happy Comparing!
Until Tomorrow!
Thursday, July 25, 2013
206. Discount Glasses
If you wear glasses, you are probably aware that you can purchase your glasses from any retailer. Although, it is sometimes easier to get them from your eye doctor's office, it is often much cheaper to purchase them from a discount retailer (i.e. Walmart, Costco). Sometimes your insurance only covers specific retailers, so make sure that you double check what your insurance will pay for and what you will pay out-of-pocket.
Happy Seeing!
Until Tomorrow!
Happy Seeing!
Until Tomorrow!
Wednesday, July 24, 2013
205. Use Zipper Storage Bags
When you are travelling, use zipper storage bags to securely transport your liquid products. They can also be used for storing wet clothing or shoes for transport (not long term). Anything that could cause a problem in your suitcase can be stored in a zipper bag to save your other things.
Happy travelling!
Until Tomorrow!
Happy travelling!
Until Tomorrow!
Tuesday, July 23, 2013
204. Use What You Buy
Do not waste purchases. Use what you buy. If you buy stuff that you don't use, you are wasting money. So make sure that you use what you buy. If you buy a product that you don't like, see if you can find someone to give it to.
Happy Purchasing!
Until Tomorrow!
Happy Purchasing!
Until Tomorrow!
203. Track Sales
Track sales and get the refund. If you purchase something that goes on sale shortly after, most companies will issue a refund of the difference. Make sure that you keep track of these items and keep your receipts until the time has passed. Keeping those receipts organized is a helpful method for tracking the prices. If you see the item on sale, take your receipt back to the store and request a refund.
Happy Tracking!
Until Tomorrow!
Happy Tracking!
Until Tomorrow!
Sunday, July 21, 2013
202. Investigate Sales Trends
Before you purchase any large items, make certain that you investigate sales trends. This will give the opportunity to receive the best deal on the item. This will also give you a good time to buy the item.
Happy Saving!
Until Tomorrow!
Happy Saving!
Until Tomorrow!
Saturday, July 20, 2013
201. Shoe Repair
If you purchase quality shoes, taking them for repair is a good way to save some money. There are still places that do shoe repair and they can save your quality shoes, or just your favorite shoes. Often, buying something that is higher quality and probably a little more expensive initially, can actually save you money if you maintain it.
Shoe for thought!
Happy Repairing!
Until Tomorrow!
Shoe for thought!
Happy Repairing!
Until Tomorrow!
Friday, July 19, 2013
200. Use Store Bags for Car Trash
Use store bags as trash bags for your car. There is no reason to purchase expensive little trash bags for your car. Enjoy saving and having a clean car.
Happy Bagging!
Until Tomorrow!
Happy Bagging!
Until Tomorrow!
Thursday, July 18, 2013
199. Use Left-over Roast
Something that we have done for a few years is to make a pork roast with the intent of using half for a second meal. Generally, we use the left-over to make shredded pork for burritos, tacos, shredded pork BBQ sandwiches. This planning for a second meal can save you a small fortune in meat costs.
Happy Cooking!
Until Tomorrow!
Happy Cooking!
Until Tomorrow!
Wednesday, July 17, 2013
198. Reuse Packaging for Shipping
If you have items that you need to ship, use boxes and padded envelopes that you receive in the mail. We use these to ship items and to wrap gifts. Reuse what you have and save some green!
Happy Packaging!
Until Tomorrow!
Happy Packaging!
Until Tomorrow!
Tuesday, July 16, 2013
197. Don't Pay Extra for Long Distance
Most telephone services offer included long distance calling. If you do not have this option, look into it. If you have cell phone service, you could always use your cell phone for long distance calling. You should not be paying extra for long distance, unless you have a very inexpensive deal and do not make long distance calls. Make sure that you have look into all of the options and found a service that works best for your needs.
Happy Calling!
Until Tomorrow!
Happy Calling!
Until Tomorrow!
196. On-line Coupon Deals
On-line coupons can be found all over. You can find coupons specifically for the items that you use. Spending a little time researching can save you some money.
Happy Saving!
Until Tomorrow!
Happy Saving!
Until Tomorrow!
Sunday, July 14, 2013
195. Free Family Activities
Search your community for free activities in your area. Some simple things like going to the park, taking a walk, riding bikes, etc. can all be free activities. When ever you are seeking something to do as a family, these ideas can save money. Your community may offer other free activities for families, many of these activities can be found on-line. Do some research and save some money.
Happy Fun!
Until Tomorrow!
Happy Fun!
Until Tomorrow!
Saturday, July 13, 2013
194. Breast Feeding
When you have a baby, breast feeding is an easy was to save money. If it is an option for you, you can save on the cost of formula.
Happy Feeding!
Until Tomorrow!
Happy Feeding!
Until Tomorrow!
Friday, July 12, 2013
193. Keep Tools Organized
If you really want to save money, make sure that what you already own is organized. This reduces the amount of re-purchasing that occurs, in general. When it comes to tools, this amount increases greatly. Years ago, we had tools scattered everywhere and could not find the tool that was needed for something specific; we ended up purchasing another, using it, then finding the first one. What a waste. Eventually, my father-in-law got fed up with this lack of organization and bought us a tool box. Then, two years later, he bought us another tool box. He was so frustrated with our tool disorder, he started bringing his own tools over. Finally, we bought a tool cabinet. This has become our organizational tool. You need to figure out what works for you and go with it. We no longer find ourselves buying tools that we already have, nor do we find prior owned versions of tools we do purchase. In the past few years, we have probably saved ourselves over a thousand dollars in wasted tool purchases.
Happy Saving!
Until Tomorrow!
Happy Saving!
Until Tomorrow!
Thursday, July 11, 2013
192. Save Up for Holiday Purchases
If you are like many people, you spend a small fortune on holiday gift giving. If this is a part of your reality, you should really save up for this expense. Many people put all of these purchases on credit cards and then spend the entire next year paying them off. You should reverse this cycle and save prior to the event. Then, spend only the cash that you have on hand. This will put a cap on how much you spend and will save you from the added cost of the interest over the course of the following year.
Happy Saving!
Until Tomorrow!
Happy Saving!
Until Tomorrow!
191. Find a Roommate
One way to save money is to find a roommate or a boarder. If you have the space, finding someone to help out with the living expenses can be a great money saving endeavor. Renting out a room (or two) in your house can really make the savings worth it. Of course, you must have the room available.
Happy Renting!
Until Tomorrow!
Happy Renting!
Until Tomorrow!
Tuesday, July 9, 2013
190. Send in Rebates
If you purchase something that has an available rebate, send it it. The company offers the rebate to improve the chance that you will purchase their product, you should make sure that you get your money. It is YOUR money.
Happy Rebating!
Until Tomorrow!
Happy Rebating!
Until Tomorrow!
Monday, July 8, 2013
189. Pet Sitting Co-op
If you have pets and have tried to take a vacation where you needed to board them, you are aware of the savings to be found by creating or joining a pet sitting co-op. By trading pet sitting services, you can save a small fortune. Kennels can be invaluable when they are needed, but creating a co-op can generate savings and perhaps enable you to take a little more time away.
Happy Sitting!
Until Tomorrow!
Happy Sitting!
Until Tomorrow!
Sunday, July 7, 2013
188. Use Free Trials
Take advantage of free trial offers. Make sure that you try out the service before you agree to pay for it. This can save you a bundle. Signing up for free trials and not using them and then paying for the service and not liking it is a waste. Also, not monitoring your free trial and allowing the automatic charge to be initiated is a waste.
Happy Trials!
Until Tomorrow!
Happy Trials!
Until Tomorrow!
Saturday, July 6, 2013
187. Follow Up With Recalls
If something that you own has been recalled, make sure that you follow up. Some recalls offer repairs, while some offer replacements. Either way you are extending the life of something for which you have already paid. By making what you own last longer you are increasing its value. Make sure that you follow up and take advantage of recall solutions being offered by the manufacturer.
Happy Making It Last!
Until Tomorrow!
Happy Making It Last!
Until Tomorrow!
Friday, July 5, 2013
186. Purchase Items Seasonally
When you are purchasing certain items for your wardrobe or for your home, strategically plan your purchases for the end of the season, this is when those items will be put on sale to clear them out. Keep a lookout for any items for which you are in the market to be put on sale. This strategy will also keep you from making impulse purchases.
Happy Purchasing!
Until Tomorrow!
Happy Purchasing!
Until Tomorrow!
Thursday, July 4, 2013
185. Keep a Household Inventory
Keeping a household inventory can protect you in the face of an emergency. A big ticket item inventory can be essential for your insurance in the event of a claim. A small item inventory can save you from re-purchasing items that you already own. This kind of goes along with organizing your stuff. Keep your big ticket item inventory somewhere that you can get to in the event of a loss of your home (either in a fire box, on-line protected storage, or not in your house). This inventory can save you time, stress, and money during a difficult situation.
Happy Inventorying!
Until Tomorrow!
Happy Inventorying!
Until Tomorrow!
Wednesday, July 3, 2013
184. Walk
If it is feasible, walk to your destination. This not only saves money on vehicle operating expenses, but also gives you free exercise. Both of which are great for your bottom line. Often, due to the location of your home, walking is not an option, but you can find instances to put on your walking shoes whenever you can.
Happy Walking!
Until Tomorrow!
Happy Walking!
Until Tomorrow!
Tuesday, July 2, 2013
183. Set up a Hand-Me-Down System for Children's Clothes
If you have multiple children (or are planning to), set up a storage system for children's clothes based on size. I have found that using storage boxes to store the clothing by size is the most effective for keeping everything organized. Take the time before storing the clothes to repair any items and to remove any stains. This will ensure that the clothes are in good repair when you need them.
Happy Storing!
Until Tomorrow!
Happy Storing!
Until Tomorrow!
Monday, July 1, 2013
182. Redecorate by Painting
If you are looking to freshen up or redecorate any room in your house, try paint. Painting is an inexpensive method of redecorating. Just changing the wall color, furniture color, or trim color can drastically change the look of any room.
Happy Redecorating!
Until Tomorrow!
Happy Redecorating!
Until Tomorrow!
Sunday, June 30, 2013
181. Find a Tailor
Have quality clothing tailored. If you have clothing that is good quality, having it tailored to fit you can end up extending the life of your clothing. Quality clothing tends to have a longer life than the cheaper counterpart and having it fitted as your body shape changes or as styles change, can save you money in the long run.
Happy Tailoring!
Until Tomorrow!
Happy Tailoring!
Until Tomorrow!
Saturday, June 29, 2013
180. Clean Your Microwave with Vinegar
If you use your microwave a lot, you probably have found that food often sticks to the inside. A method that we use to clean our microwave is to fill a cup with about 8oz of vinegar, put this in the microwave and microwave on high until it boils. Let sit for a couple of minutes. Then, remove the cup (use caution) and wipe down the inside with a moist towel. Every once in a while, I may have to scrub some of the food residue off, but for the most part it all wipes of easily with this method.
Happy Cleaning!
Until Tomorrow!
Happy Cleaning!
Until Tomorrow!
179. Check Flights from Other Airports
One of the easiest ways to save money on flights, is to check on the prices from and to various area airports. I have found savings of over $200 per person by simply switching my flight to an airport that is a little further away. If you travel a lot, this could save you a small fortune!
Happy Travelling!
Until Tomorrow!
Happy Travelling!
Until Tomorrow!
178. Drive your Vacation
Air Travel, Train Travel and Bus Travel are all pricey for multiple people. If you have two or more going on your trip you can often save a bundle by driving your own car. Or, sometimes, even renting a car for the trip. It will take longer to get to your destination, but you can make an adventure out of it along the way. If you plan your trip right, you could even extend your experiences.
Happy Travelling!
Until Tomorrow!
Happy Travelling!
Until Tomorrow!
Wednesday, June 26, 2013
177. Flavor Your Own Water
Water is one of the most inexpensive items you can get to drink; however, it is sometimes a little bland. If you like to have a little more flavor in what you drink try adding some flavor to your water. This is easily done by adding some fruit or some herbs to a pitcher of water and then allowing it to sit for a short time. This creates flavored water for you to enjoy.
Try adding:
Try adding:
- orange, lemon, or lime slices
- hulled strawberries
- mint leaves
- cucumber
Each of these adds a new flavor to your water. You could even combine them in a variety of ways.
Happy Hydrating!
Until Tomorrow!
Tuesday, June 25, 2013
176. Make Your Own Comforter Cover
If you have an old comforter that you no longer like the look of, you can cover it as apposed to getting rid of it. By purchasing two flat sheets in the size of your comforter, you can make your own comforter cover. Simply put the sheets finished side together, measure the width and length, stitch three of the sides closed, and then you can either trim and hem the top, or you can fold it over (depending on the look you want). To close the end, you can add buttons and button holes, you can use button holes with ribbons, you can sew in a zipper, you could use Velcro, etc. If you don't like the idea of a removable comforter cover, you could simply stitch the end closed and stitch in some pockets to stop the insides from shifting. Recovering a good comforter can save you a bundle and can give you the exact look that you are going for without sacrificing the quality of the comforter itself.
Happy Decorating!
Until Tomorrow!
Happy Decorating!
Until Tomorrow!
Monday, June 24, 2013
175. Steam Mop
If you have sealed, hard-surface floors, investing in a steam mop can save you a bundle in cleaning product. A stem mop not only reduces your need for floor cleaner, it also keeps the chemicals off of your floors. Using the heated water to remove all of the grime from your floors is easy, budget friendly and environmentally friendly. Although their is some initial investment, if you clean your floors regularly, it will pay for itself quickly.
Happy Cleaning!
Until Tomorrow!
Happy Cleaning!
Until Tomorrow!
Sunday, June 23, 2013
174. Vacuum Your Ceiling & Nooks
In an effort to save time and money, and to keep the house clean, I have found that a couple of times a year it is a good idea to vacuum the ceiling and any nooks. Using the extension hose on the vacuum, I vacuum at the ceiling to remove any dust, cobwebs, bugs, pet hair, etc. Then, I vacuum all of those nooks and crannies where dust likes to hide. I, also, vacuum the ceiling fan blades, the tops of cabinets, any place where dust and other stuff likes to settle. This reduces the allergies that my family experiences and keeps my heating and cooling system filters cleaner longer.
Happy Cleaning!
Until Tomorrow!
Happy Cleaning!
Until Tomorrow!
Saturday, June 22, 2013
173. Car Seat Covers
When your car seats start to show wear, you should get covers to extend the life of your seats. Do not use car seat covers when your seats are in good shape, otherwise you end up wearing out your seats and the covers (wasting money). Once your seats start showing wear, cover them and it will improve the total look of your car!
Happy Covering!
Until Tomorrow!
Happy Covering!
Until Tomorrow!
172. Living Social
If you enjoy getting out and doing stuff, there is a website that offers discounts for a bunch of activities in your area: You set up an account, telling them your location and they will send you updates for discounted activities in your area.
Happy Action!
Until Tomorrow!
Happy Action!
Until Tomorrow!
Thursday, June 20, 2013
171. Using the Back of Paper
This is especially money saving if you have young children who like to draw. Often, when something is printed it is only printed on one side and the other side remains blank; if you need paper for something that is not "important" then you can use the reverse non-marked side of the paper. The cost of paper continues to increase and saving money this way may seem like a small amount, but it adds up quickly. Even using the reverse of lined paper for quick notes or other information, can save money. If you need to, draw a quick "X" over the side that is no longer needed.
Happy Reversing!
Until Tomorrow!
Happy Reversing!
Until Tomorrow!
Wednesday, June 19, 2013
170. Pay Yourself First
When you are in money saving mode you must remember to pay yourself first. Going through the motions of saving can be rewarding if you see the fruits of your labor. Put the money you save into savings, do not blow it on some other expense. You can use any method to save the money, you just have to be sure that you are saving it. Seeing the results of your endeavor can give you the desire to continue to work on it.
Happy Saving!
Until Tomorrow!
Happy Saving!
Until Tomorrow!
Tuesday, June 18, 2013
169. Say No to Fast Food
Fast food can be a huge budget buster. It is often very quick, seems cheap, and is grabbed on the run; however, when you add it up, it is very costly. Anything that is designed to save you time is going to be costly. I had a mechanic once who had this great sign up:
I keep this in mind in all areas of service and fast food is a service industry.
Food for thought!
Happy Dining!
Until Tomorrow!
I keep this in mind in all areas of service and fast food is a service industry.
Food for thought!
Happy Dining!
Until Tomorrow!
Monday, June 17, 2013
168. Handmade Party Decorations
Making your own party decorations can be fun and it can be a family activity. Creating your own festive items can improve your party experience and save you money. Making a banner for the party can even be a party activity. In order to have a nicely decorated party, the idea of creating your own decorations should be appealing. Create your own festive environment inexpensively.
Happy Decorating!
Until Tomorrow!
Happy Decorating!
Until Tomorrow!
Sunday, June 16, 2013
167. Make Your Own Cards
Although you can sometimes find cards at a reasonable price, often they are crazy expensive. Printing and making your own cards can save you money. We have printed cards from the computer and we have hand drawn cards. Either option can be done on any type of paper and can be personalized for the person to whom it is being given. If you struggle being artistic, that is okay. Just find some examples that you like and you can use those to help you get ideas.
Happy Creating!
Until Tomorrow!
Happy Creating!
Until Tomorrow!
Saturday, June 15, 2013
166. Save Monthly for Large Expenses
If you are in the market for spending a large amount of money, make sure that you plan ahead and save up so that you pay cash. One of the biggest culprits of the large spending sprees is the Christmas Season. People tend to spend a lot of money during this season on gifts for others. In order to make this a viable option, you need to start saving in January for the expense of December. Do not use credit cards to fund your holiday spending; if this is necessary, you need to spend way less. By saving up for the holiday spending, you have a set amount and do not have the stress of finances included in, what can be, an already stressful season. Also, if you are in the market for a large purchase, save up for it. The product will still be available later; however, it may be cheaper, or a better model may be available.
Happy Saving!
Until Tomorrow!
Happy Saving!
Until Tomorrow!
Friday, June 14, 2013
165. Reduce Utility Consumption
Utilities are one of those expenses that never goes away, however, reducing your consumption can result in a reduced bill. By using less energy or water you can reduce the expense on these bills. Often, we do not even notice when energy is being consumed and in order to reduce the usage, we must pay attention to it.
Happy Reducing!
Until Tomorrow!
Thursday, June 13, 2013
164. Pay off Debt
One of the best ways to save money is to pay off your debt and one of the easiest ways to do that is to pay off the smallest amount first. Then, add that payment amount to the next highest amount and pay that off. Then, add the total new amount to the next highest amount and so on. By doing this, you will get your debt paid off. Make sure that you continue to pay the minimum payment on all of your larger debts while increasing the amount you pay on the smallest amount. You, also, have to quit adding to your debt. This is one of the vital steps!
Happy Debt Reduction!
Until Tomorrow!
Happy Debt Reduction!
Until Tomorrow!
Wednesday, June 12, 2013
163. Plan your trip for savings
When you are taking a trip make sure that you plan for all savings options. Some trips have multiple stops, make sure that you plan them so that you do not have to travel in circles. Figure out all of the stops and map out the most direct route. Also, make sure that you consider all of the errands that you could "go ahead" and do while you are out. Making multiple trips is a big waste of money.
Happy Planning!
Until Tomorrow!
Happy Planning!
Until Tomorrow!
Tuesday, June 11, 2013
162. Avoid Late Fees
Avoiding late fees seems like a simple way to save money; however, it these fees can sneak up on you. Make sure that you pay attention to due dates and pay your bills on time. One of the reasons that I use on-line bill pay is because I can set up future payment dates (and have the option to change them as financial matters dictate). If something comes up and your payment is going to be a struggle, often, if you call the biller, you can work out alternative payment arrangements. Being pro-active can work to your advantage, although continued payment issues will probably not work out well.
Happy Avoiding!
Until Tomorrow
Happy Avoiding!
Until Tomorrow
Monday, June 10, 2013
161. Learn to Sew
Learn the basics of sewing and you can rescue your clothes and other fabric products. When my daughter was young, she had a favorite stuffed toy. She took it everywhere, she had it since before she was born, it was washed every couple of weeks and it started to develop holes. Instead of throwing it away and buying her something (not the same) new, I hand stitched the holes and they became "love" stitches. She still has the toy and she is almost 18. This is just one example of rescue by sewing! I have rescued many a favorite shirt, sleeping bag, blanket, etc., just from knowing how to sew. I have, also, transformed used dresses into amazing dresses for myself and my daughters, saving the hundreds for a new dress. I have sewn curtains from sheets and other fabric. I have done basic alterations on ill-fitting clothing (for the more complex alterations, I have used a tailor). This skill has probably saved me thousands over the years. If you can take a basic sewing class or have someone you know teach you, it is a valuable skill.
Happy Sewing!
Until Tomorrow!
Happy Sewing!
Until Tomorrow!
Sunday, June 9, 2013
160. Research Before a Vacation
When you are planning to take a vacation, make sure that you do all of your research. An enormous amount of information is available on-line and, although you cannot believe everything you find on-line, you can gain some information about the place to which you are travelling. Check out hotels at multiple sites prior to booking, reviews written by other guests are generally very informative. Also, check out any activities that you are interested in, often discounted tickets can be found on-line. Find out all that you can and save your money up front, then have a wonderful trip.
Happy Travelling!
Until Tomorrow!
Happy Travelling!
Until Tomorrow!
Saturday, June 8, 2013
159. Ride a Bike
If you can ride a bike instead of driving a car, you could save a bundle. Riding a bike reduces the need for fuels and increases your daily exercise. Riding a bike can save on your insurance costs, as well. Powering your own transportation could save you in a multitude of ways.
Happy Riding!
Until Tomorrow!
Happy Riding!
Until Tomorrow!
Friday, June 7, 2013
158. Eat Less Processed Foods
One way to save money now at through your health services is to eat less processed foods. By purchasing natural foods that have required less processing, you not only eat healthier, but also do not pay extra for the processing. Find recipes that use natural foods and purchase those in bulk whenever possible. Then you do not have to pay for all of the packaging either.
Happy Cooking!
Until Tomorrow!
Happy Cooking!
Until Tomorrow!
Thursday, June 6, 2013
157. Acne Treatment
Using witch-hazel or alcohol to clean your face as an acne treatment can save money. I know that there are a lot of products available, for a price, to help with acne. If household remedies do not work for you, you could look into these more expensive options; however, you should always try the less expensive and less chemical methods first. Wash your face every day and use witch-hazel or alcohol (applied with a cotton ball) to kill any external bacteria.
Happy Cleaning!
Until Tomorrow!
Happy Cleaning!
Until Tomorrow!
Wednesday, June 5, 2013
156. Wash Athletic Shoes
If you have athletic shoes that are not leather, throwing them into the washer is relatively easy and can keep them looking and smelling good. You can air dry them, or put them into the dryer (be careful with this option). If you are unsure how to properly care for your shoes, check on-line for options. Different shoes should be cleaned in different ways.
Happy Cleaning!
Until Tomorrow!
Happy Cleaning!
Until Tomorrow!
Tuesday, June 4, 2013
155. Reuse Picture Frames
When decorating, picture frames can become very expensive. Often, the image is the cheap part of the picture. One of the things that we do to save some money is to reuse picture frames. We find frames at yard sales or second hand stores that have the look that we want, then we can paint them to the color to match our decor. Simply remove the backing and glass, and spray or brush paint. I have even used the lines of the frame to create colorful frames. This is much cheaper than purchasing the same frame at a local retailer. Also, you can get exactly the look that you want by using this method. If you have some frames that are the right size, but not the right color, you can even paint your own frames.
Happy Painting!
Until Tomorrow!
Happy Painting!
Until Tomorrow!
Monday, June 3, 2013
154. Wash Your Car
If you want your car to last longer, you have to wash it. Especially if you live in an area where salt is used on the roads in winter. This road salt can quickly rust out the body of your car. Also, if you live in an area with hard rain water, you want to wash and wax it regularly. If you live in an area with a lot of sun, you want to make sure that you wax your car regularly. All of these different elements can reek havoc on your car's body and on your paint job. Taking care of your property is a sure way to increase the life of the item and your car is no exception.
Happy Washing!
Until Tomorrow!
Happy Washing!
Until Tomorrow!
Sunday, June 2, 2013
153. Use Your Community Services
If your community offers any services, make use of them. You are really already paying for them, so get your money's worth. If you live in a community with a pool or community center, make sure that you are utilizing them regularly. If your community has parks or trails, use them too. Your community resources are funded by either your taxes or by other additional fees, so in reality you have already paid for them. Part of choosing a certain community is for the services offered, make sure that you make the most of what is available to you. If you are not certain of what is available, do some research. Go to some of these places and check out what they have. Often, if the services are not free, the charge is minimal.
Happy Activities!
Until Tomorrow!
Happy Activities!
Until Tomorrow!
Saturday, June 1, 2013
152. Clean Up Your Food Storage
One way to save money is to make sure that you know what food you have stored in your house. Go through all of your food storage areas: the refrigerator, the freezer, the pantry, the cabinet, etc. Know what you have and get rid of food that is no longer edible or that your family will not use. This food can be composted, or donated, or any other options you have available. If there is food that is dying in the back of your refrigerator, you need to know about it. Cleaning out your food storage areas before each grocery shopping trip helps you to be completely aware of what items are needed for your food consumption.
Happy Cleaning!
Until Tomorrow!
Happy Cleaning!
Until Tomorrow!
Friday, May 31, 2013
151. Discontinue Services
If there are services for which you pay regularly and do not use, discontinue them. I have met a number of people who have some sort of service that is charged directly to their credit card every month and they no longer use the service. Often, people get use to seeing these fees and simply allow the charges to continue. If you want to gain control of your finances, you have to know where all of the money is going. Some services may still be used occasionally, these need to have their cost to usefulness reevaluated. Make sure that they are still worth it.
Happy Examining!
Until Tomorrow!
Happy Examining!
Until Tomorrow!
Thursday, May 30, 2013
150. Drink Water
I know it sounds crazy, but water from your faucet is probably the easiest way to save money. I know that bottled water companies tell us that tap water is contaminated; however, the tap water is no more contaminated than the tap water that is put into those expensive plastic bottles. If you have concerns get a home water filter. Drinking the water that is already pumping into your house can save you a bundle when compared to purchasing soda or bottled water.
Happy Hydrating!
Until Tomorrow!
Happy Hydrating!
Until Tomorrow!
Wednesday, May 29, 2013
149. Charging Rent
If you have adult children boarding with you, charge them rent. You can set an amount that works for everyone, but they should have to pay their own way. The added expense of having another person living with you will be offset by what they are paying which will keep your expenses down. Helping someone out does not mean that you should be covering all of their expenses or causing you to be burdened.
Happy Boarding!
Until Tomorrow!
Happy Boarding!
Until Tomorrow!
Tuesday, May 28, 2013
148. Couch Cover
If you have a couch that looks as though it has seen better days, yet it is still sturdy and comfortable, try using a couch cover instead of purchasing a new couch. A fitted cover can be purchased for around $100, which is cheaper than buying a new couch. If that seems out of your reach, try a quilt or blanket to cover the seating area. Measure the size of the seating area and use a blanket that matches. You might even be able to cover the back area as well.
Happy Covering!
Until Tomorrow!
Happy Covering!
Until Tomorrow!
Monday, May 27, 2013
147. Pay Attention to Price
Cheaper is not always better. When I was younger, I would always seek out the cheapest version of an item because I was broke and that was what I could afford at the time; however, this actually ended up costing me more money in the long run. Generally, the least expensive item is also the cheapest item (cheapest made using the cheapest materials) and needs to be replaced soon. When you are shopping for a specific item, find something that is the best quality item at the most reasonable price, do your investigating before laying out the cash. If an item is too expensive, figure out if you can make do with something else until you save up enough cash to pay for it.
Happy Shopping!
Until Tomorrow!
Happy Shopping!
Until Tomorrow!
146. Yard Sale
If you are trying to get rid of stuff that you no longer have a use for, try holding a Yard Sale. Yard Sales can be especially effective if you can get multiple people in your area to hold one at the same time or to combine with yours. Multi-family sales generally generate more traffic. Set things up in an organized fashion and please do not have just clothes. Having some larger items can draw people in to your sale. After the sale, anything remaining can be donated to charity.
Happy Selling!
Until Tomorrow!
Happy Selling!
Until Tomorrow!
Saturday, May 25, 2013
145. Down Size
Down sizing is a choice that can be made to save money. Having a smaller home and less stuff can save on utilities, maintenance, and cleaning time. The savings in cost of the property can also be substantial.
Happy Down-Sizing!
Until Tomorrow!
Happy Down-Sizing!
Until Tomorrow!
Friday, May 24, 2013
144. Haggle
Don't be afraid to haggle over the price of products. The worst thing that can happen is that you pay full price, or don't purchase the item. On the best side, you could save some money. Speaking up when you think that something is overpriced. Be polite, though; otherwise hurt feelings could make things uncomfortable.
Happy Shopping!
Until Tomorrow!
Happy Shopping!
Until Tomorrow!
Thursday, May 23, 2013
143. Buy Multi-Purpose Items
When you are purchasing new items, make sure to evaluate all of the possible uses. For example when buying a printer, if you would also use a scanner and a fax machine; then buy the multipurpose model. There are multiple items that could be purchased with a variety of uses in mind. Make sure that you consider all of the possibilities before you shell out that money!
Happy Multipurpose!
Until Tomorrow!
Happy Multipurpose!
Until Tomorrow!
Wednesday, May 22, 2013
142. Buy Bulk non-packaged food products
Some grocery stores sell bulk un-packaged dry food items, these can be a huge savings. As long as you have somewhere to store the products, you can see savings. The bulk items usually are purchased in very thin plastic bags, so they need to be stored or used quickly. The cost savings from not having all of the packaging is passed on to you, which is how the costs are kept low. This is especially good for dry goods and unique products (where you only need a little).
Happy Cooking!
Until Tomorrow!
Happy Cooking!
Until Tomorrow!
Tuesday, May 21, 2013
141. Create a Bulk Buying Group
Get together with neighbors or family to create a bulk buying group. This can allow you to get the cheaper bulk purchase pricing without sticking you with a year's worth of products. The group can share the costs of membership, travel, and storage. Working with a group can give you access to more products than you could comfortably store on your own.
Happy Shopping!
Until Tomorrow!
Happy Shopping!
Until Tomorrow!
Monday, May 20, 2013
140. Print with Caution
Printing can become extremely expensive. If you can get away with keeping something electronically, then do not print it. Saving the cost of paper and ink can save you a bundle. If there is a possibility that you not need a printed record of the document, then wait to find out if print is necessary. Of course, this means that you will need to back-up your documents to ensure that they are always available for you.
Happy Digital Reading!
Until Tomorrow!
Happy Digital Reading!
Until Tomorrow!
Sunday, May 19, 2013
139. Wash Your Pillows
Washing your pillows can clean them and can extend their life. We wash our pillows about once every six months to get the dirt out and to whiten and brighten them. I wash two pillows at a time, to balance the machine, in a mixture of 1 cup laundry detergent, 1 cup powdered dishwasher detergent, 1 cup lemon juice (or bleach/bleach alternative), 1/2 cup of borax in HOT water.
Happy cleaning!
Until tomorrow!
Happy cleaning!
Until tomorrow!
Saturday, May 18, 2013
138. Babysitting Co-Op
If you need to save money and have younger children, forming a babysitting co-op can save a bundle. The savings can be from paying for a sitter for an evening out, or just having some alone shopping time. Find a group of parents whom you trust and trade babysitting services. Try to keep things equitable, if every member feels as though they are getting and giving the same amount things will work out better. You may even want to outline "The Rules" so that everyone knows and understands the guidelines.
Happy Child Free Evening!
Until Tomorrow!
Happy Child Free Evening!
Until Tomorrow!
Friday, May 17, 2013
137. Employee Discounts
Take advantage of discounts offered by your employer. If you are purchasing something, make sure and check for discounts before you buy. These discounts are offered as part of your benefits package and should be used. If no one uses them, they may be discontinued. If you don't use your benefits, you are giving them away. Some employers have discounts for national companies, some offer discounts for local businesses. Take advantage of all that you can.
Happy Discounting!
Until Tomorrow!
Happy Discounting!
Until Tomorrow!
Thursday, May 16, 2013
136. Caulking is your friend
Maintaining the caulking in your bathroom and on your windows can save you from enormous water damage problems down the road. Although this is not something from which you will see immediate savings. If caulking is done correctly, you may never actually see the savings because you will never have to put the money out to have mold removed or to have drywall replaced. Maintenance is vital to saving you money.
Happy Caulking!
Until Tomorrow!
Happy Caulking!
Until Tomorrow!
Wednesday, May 15, 2013
135. Clean Your Washing Machine
To save money by saving your large appliances, you must take care of them. Your washing machine is one of your large appliances. To clean your washing machine, run a gallon (for a large machine) of vinegar through a hot- full size wash cycle and wipe it out with a clean cloth. Generally, I do this twice a year. Although, I wipe down the washing machine and the dryer about once a week. This will also save you money on clothes maintenance.
Happy Cleaning!
Until Tomorrow!
Happy Cleaning!
Until Tomorrow!
Tuesday, May 14, 2013
134. Turn off Heated Dry
If you have a dishwasher, turning off the heated dry option can save energy and money. The dishes will dry on their own, or you can towel dry them. They will still be clean and heated dry does not kill any more germs than the heated wash cycle.
Happy cleaning!
Until Tomorrow!
Happy cleaning!
Until Tomorrow!
Monday, May 13, 2013
133. When Dining Out, Save Half
Whenever you go out to eat, save half of your meal. Not only will this save you money, but as portion sizes continue to increase you also save your waist line. The left-overs then can become a second meal. Make sure that eat your left overs, otherwise you are throwing your money away.
Happy Dining!
Until Tomorrow!
Happy Dining!
Until Tomorrow!
Sunday, May 12, 2013
132. Netflix Streaming
Here is one monthly expense that could be worth it. If you enjoy watch TV series and are looking at purchasing sets, this one could save you a bundle. We were looking at getting three seasons of a series at $29.95 each (found one of them on sale for two days at $25.00). This cost more than made the Netflix Streaming worth it; at $8 per month, we could use the service for a year for the same price as purchasing the series. We then viewed the series we wanted and have settled in for many more. If you do not watch these series or older movies, then this probably would not save you anything. For us, it proves to be a savings.
Happy viewing!
Until Tomorrow!
Happy viewing!
Until Tomorrow!
Saturday, May 11, 2013
131. Clean Out Your Vacuum
If you have an upright vacuum, you may find that it looses "pick-up" power. The first step to saving your vacuum and your carpets is to clean it out. Fibers and hair gets wrapped around the beater and should be removed every few weeks (or more if you have indoor pets). There are also a variety of hoses and filters that should probably be cleaned. Check your owners' manual for more details and instructions. Making your appliances last longer can save you a bundle.
Happy Cleaning!
Until Tomorrow!
Happy Cleaning!
Until Tomorrow!
Friday, May 10, 2013
130. Use the Public Library
Using the public library can save you a bundle. They often have much more than books: movies, magazines, newspapers, internet access, etc. If you find yourself needing some inexpensive entertainment, this is the way to go. You have to monitor your due dates; but other than that, most of their services are free. (Well your tax dollars pay for them; since you have already funded this service, you should use it.)
Happy Entertaining!
Until Tomorrow!
Happy Entertaining!
Until Tomorrow!
Thursday, May 9, 2013
129. Limit Coupons
I know that there are a lot of "Coupon Queens" out there who will bristle at this post, but I must post it. Unless you are a "Coupon Queen", coupons should be used with caution. Generally, manufacturers issue coupons for "new" items as a way to get you to purchase their products. If you are in money saving mode, you usually do not have the extra money to spend on trying out their "new" products. Make sure that you only use coupons on items that you already know that you like and will use. Limit coupons to products that you are planning to purchase already.
Happy Shopping!
Until Tomorrow!
Happy Shopping!
Until Tomorrow!
128. Fasten Hooks & Eyes (etc.)
When you are doing the laundry, before putting your clothing in the machine, make sure that you fasten any hook & eye closures, any zippers, buttons, etc. These can all become attached to the machine and can cause your clothing to become torn or the fastener to become misshapen or broken. Ladies with braziers, those bras are a huge expense and saving them could be as simple as fastening the hooks & eyes before washing, if you machine wash.
Happy Washing!
Until Tomorrow!
Happy Washing!
Until Tomorrow!
Tuesday, May 7, 2013
127. Clean Your Oven Regularly
Save money by cleaning??? Crazy, I know. However, cleaning your oven regularly can save you from a fire and can keep you from spending an inordinate amount of time deep cleaning once it gets really bad. If you have a self cleaning oven, then the process of cleaning is simple enough. If you do not have that option on your oven, then you may have to resort to old fashioned methods. You can find multiple methods of cleaning your oven. One of the cheapest, most environmentally friendly methods is to use baking soda and vinegar and a whole lot of elbow grease, a grill scrubbing brush works well. You can spend more and pick up a can oven cleaner and open your windows.
Happy cleaning!
Until tomorrow!
Happy cleaning!
Until tomorrow!
Monday, May 6, 2013
126. Managing Your Auto Insurance Costs
Contact your Insurance Company and make sure that you are getting all of the discounts available to you. Safe driving can save you a bundle and, sometimes, taking a safe driving course can reduce your rates (check on the cost of a course - vs - the savings). Make sure that you are paying the correct rate for the number of miles you drive; if you do not drive a lot, make sure that your rates reflect that. Make sure that you do not have coverage that you do not need, this can be a huge savings.
Happy saving!
Until Tomorrow!
Happy saving!
Until Tomorrow!
Sunday, May 5, 2013
125. Saving and Eating Left-overs
If your family is like mine, then you end up with left-overs following family meals. Saving them in single serving containers and eating them is imperative to saving money. We often use these as lunches for the days following, this saves us from purchasing special lunch food and usually works as take-to-work/school meals. When you save the food quickly and in individual sizes, they are much easier to use up.
Happy left-overs!
Until Tomorrow!
Happy left-overs!
Until Tomorrow!
124. Check the Cost of Medical Procedures
Unless you have 100% coverage on your medical expenses, you may want to stay on top of those. If there is some service that you have to have done and it is pre-planned, call and find out your costs up front. Taking a proactive approach can save you a bundle in unexpected expenses. I had an experience once where I needed routine lab work done at a location I had previously been to and they had changed their policies. They were now part of the hospital where they were located and charged me "hospital" rates instead of the regular rates for lab work. The difference was astronomical. I learned from that experience that I need to ask questions up front. If the medical facility won't tell you, then find a different facility. It is not okay for them to surprise you with fees.
Happy researching!
Until Tomorrow!
123. Sweater Care
Sweater care is very important to extending their lives. Sweaters should not be hung at all, the weight of the sweater will stretch out the fibers and will make the sweater misshapen. When storing sweaters, make certain that they are laying down. How you decide to fold them doesn't really matter, but how you store them does. Also, do not hand sweaters to dry, lay them flat on a drying rack.
Happy sweaters!
Until Tomorrow!
Thursday, May 2, 2013
122. Clean Your Dishwasher
I have previously mentioned that in order to make your stuff last longer, you must take care of it. This applies to your dishwasher, also. Fill a cup or bowl with 2 cups of vinegar; place it on the bottom rack and run a complete cycle. This should help with any water and food deposits and leave the dish cleaner actually clean.
Happy cleaning!
Until Tomorrow!
Wednesday, May 1, 2013
121. Scratch Waffles
My family loves waffles with fresh strawberries; however, this can become a pricey endeavor. We began using those box mixes to create our waffle breakfast, but we have moved on from that "just add water" recipe. We have figured out how to make waffles from scratch:
2 eggs
2 cups buttermilk (we use milk with vinegar added - 2 TBSP vinegar per cup of milk)
2 cups all-purpose flour (you can experiment with different types of flour)
2 tsp baking powder
1 tsp baking soda
1/2 tsp salt
1/4 cup + 2 TBSP shortening
Beat eggs; beat in remaining ingredients with rotary beater until smooth.
**Update: if you do not use dairy products you can substitute 2 cups of Almond Milk, omit baking soda, and only use the egg whites (whip these until stiff peaks form, then fold them into the beaten remaining ingredients).
Pour onto heated waffle iron. Bake until steaming stops, or time goes.
Fresh strawberries sliced for topping.
You can even add fresh whipped cream
heavy whipping cream
powdered sugar
Putt whipping cream in bowl; beat in powdered sugar until stiff peaks form (add powdered sugar a little at a time).
Homemade is definitely better and often cheaper.
Happy Breakfast!
Until Tomorrow!
2 eggs
2 cups buttermilk (we use milk with vinegar added - 2 TBSP vinegar per cup of milk)
2 cups all-purpose flour (you can experiment with different types of flour)
2 tsp baking powder

1/2 tsp salt
1/4 cup + 2 TBSP shortening
Beat eggs; beat in remaining ingredients with rotary beater until smooth.
**Update: if you do not use dairy products you can substitute 2 cups of Almond Milk, omit baking soda, and only use the egg whites (whip these until stiff peaks form, then fold them into the beaten remaining ingredients).
Pour onto heated waffle iron. Bake until steaming stops, or time goes.
(You could add in other things, i.e. chocolate chips, blueberries, etc.)
You can even add fresh whipped cream
heavy whipping cream
powdered sugar
Putt whipping cream in bowl; beat in powdered sugar until stiff peaks form (add powdered sugar a little at a time).
Homemade is definitely better and often cheaper.
Happy Breakfast!
Until Tomorrow!
120. Manage Your Money
One sure way to save yourself some money is to maintain your checking account. Make sure that you do not spend more than you have and avoid bank fees. Watching your balance and staying on top of your spending can save you a bundle. Anyone who has ever paid an overdraft charge knows that the cost is outrageous and should be avoided at all costs.
Happy Spending!
Until Tomorrow!
Monday, April 29, 2013
119. Cleaning Your Microwave
Happy Cleaning!
Until Tomorrow!
Sunday, April 28, 2013
118. Track Your Spending
If you really want to save some money, track your spending. Once you really know where all of your money is going, then you can work on reducing how much you are spending. Just using a small notebook works, or keeping a receipt for everything and writing it all down at night. Either way, really paying attention to the flow of cash (or card) can save you money.
Happy Tracking!
Until Tomorrow!
Happy Tracking!
Until Tomorrow!
Saturday, April 27, 2013
117. Clean Your Coffee Maker
One way to save money is to make your stuff last longer. If you are a coffee drinker, this means cleaning your coffee maker. About once a month you should clean it with a vinegar/water blend. Not only does this make your maker last longer, it also improves the flavor of your coffee. I have added instructions from WikiHow below.
Happy Cleaning!
Until Tomorrow!
Friday, April 26, 2013
116. Term Life Insurance
Life insurance is one of those things that seems like a rip off, unless the insured person dies; then it is a life saver for the survivors. When you are deciding on life insurance, make sure that you take into account at what stage you are in your life. Consider who you have to support and what your projected income is. You want life insurance that will help to replace your income while your survivors recover from the loss of you. Term life insurance is the most sensible method to achieve this goal. With term life insurance, you pay for the insurance that you need at the time you need it. If you have young children, you need enough insurance to support them until adulthood.
Happy Planning!
Until Tomorrow!
Happy Planning!
Until Tomorrow!
Thursday, April 25, 2013
115. Maintain Your Car
Regular vehicle maintenance for your vehicle can save you a bundle in the long run. I know that sometimes the individual costs can seem prohibitive, but they are cheaper than having to junk your vehicle and purchase a new one Simple maintenance service done regularly by a trusted mechanic (or by yourself) can save you money.
Happy Maintaining!
Until Tomorrow!
Happy Maintaining!
Until Tomorrow!
Wednesday, April 24, 2013
114. Direct Deposit
Want to save yourself some time and get access to your money as soon as possible? If so, then you should get direct deposit. This, not only keeps you from having to deal with cashing checks, but it also gets your money deposited quickly. Another positive of direct deposit is that a majority of financial institutions offer free or discounted checking if you have a regularly occurring direct deposit. Just something to keep in mind.
Happy Money Management!
Until Tomorrow!
Happy Money Management!
Until Tomorrow!
Tuesday, April 23, 2013
113. Take Care of Good Leather Shoes
Sometimes if you spend a little bit more on a quality product, you actually end up saving money. This is especially true of quality leather shoes. When you purchase quality shoes and polish them regularly they will last for a very long time. Cleaning and repairing, polishing and buffing can all make your shoes last longer. Take the time to investigate the materials used to make your shoes.
Happy polishing!
Until Tomorrow!
Happy polishing!
Until Tomorrow!
Monday, April 22, 2013
112. Restaurants are Special Occasions
I know a lot of people who eat at restaurants all the time. This is extremely costly. Dining at restaurants should be considered a special occasion, not an everyday event. Make sure that you plan this into your budget and stick to your budget; do not dine at a restaurant that you cannot afford, make sure you check the prices before you go.
Happy Dining!
Until Tomorrow!
Happy Dining!
Until Tomorrow!
111. Set Yourself an Allowance
Set yourself a spending allowance. This can save you money in the long run and can help keep you from feeling deprived. If you set your allowance as part of your budget, you can spend your "allowance" any way you see fit, without guilt.
Happy Spending!
Until Tomorrow!
Happy Spending!
Until Tomorrow!
110. Have a Will
If you have anything of any value, make certain that you have a Last Will and Testament. Although it may cost you a little to get this done now, it will save you stress and money in the event that something happens to you. Also, make sure that family members have a will so that their wishes can be observed and so that the costs will be reduced in the event of a tragedy. Planning is extremely important.
Until Tomorrow!
Friday, April 19, 2013
109. Bundle Insurance
Generally, when you bundle your insurance policies you will receive discounts on your policies. Make sure that you have the best insurance for your needs and that your company is reputable. Having a good company can reduce your regular costs and can reduce your cost in the event of an emergency.
Happy Bundling!
Until Tomorrow!
Happy Bundling!
Until Tomorrow!
108. Reconcile Your Bank Accounts
Take the time to track your spending and to reconcile your bank accounts. This can save you a bundle in overdraft fees and can ensure accuracy on all fronts. Banks make mistakes, too. Take a minute to manage your money; if you are trying to save money, know where your money is going is the largest part of the battle.
Happy Saving!
Until Tomorrow!
Happy Saving!
Until Tomorrow!
Wednesday, April 17, 2013
107. The Lottery
Unless you can afford to give away money, do not play the lottery. Any form of gambling should be looked at as paying for entertainment. It should never be looked at as a possible way to make money. The odds that you will win the lottery are small and do not justify the cost. If you are going to play the lottery, make sure that you can afford to spend the money on entertainment (kind of like going to see a movie).
Happy Saving!
Until Tomorrow!
Happy Saving!
Until Tomorrow!
Tuesday, April 16, 2013
106. Have Your Pets Spayed or Neutered

Happy Pet Ownership!
Until Tomorrow!
105. Slow Down

Safe Driving!
Until Tomorrow!
104. Car Buying Research
Whenever you are making a big money purchase, do your research. A car is one of the big money buys, where a multitude of research is available. You can do research on vehicle quality and on the individual car. If you are buying a used car, get the CarFax report and take the car to an independent mechanic prior to purchase (or as a condition of). Ensuring that you are spending your money on a quality vehicle is extremely important to saving money.
Happy Driving!
Until Tomorrow!
Happy Driving!
Until Tomorrow!
Saturday, April 13, 2013
103. Double Check Your Tax Deductions
Before filing your taxes, double check that you are taking all of the deductions for which you are eligible. Not doing this is like giving the government extra money. You, also, do not want to take any deductions for which you are not eligible. Double check everything prior to filing.
Happy Filing!
Until Tomorrow!
Happy Filing!
Until Tomorrow!
Friday, April 12, 2013
102. Don't Buy "Vanity" Plates
Want to save money, do not spend extra on "Vanity" License plates. This adds a significant amount to your vehicle registration in most states. Want to save money, just go with the standard plates. Spend the extra money on a value added vehicle item.
Happy Driving!
Until Tomorrow!
Happy Driving!
Until Tomorrow!
Thursday, April 11, 2013
101. Keep Your Vehicle
If you want to save a bundle, keep your vehicle longer. We have been 10+ year owners of most of the cars that we have purchased. If you think that you need a newer and better car every couple of years, you may be paying to much. Calculate the price of keeping the vehicle you have versus purchasing a new one. You may be surprised by what you find. Of course this requires investing in a vehicle that will last.
Happy Driving!
Until Tomorrow!
Happy Driving!
Until Tomorrow!
Wednesday, April 10, 2013
100. Brush & Floss Regularly
Save your teeth and the cost of dental repairs by brushing and flossing regularly. The best way to reduce cavities and the cost of having them filled is maintenance. Taking care of what you have is vital to reducing repair costs, your teeth are no different. My dentist had a great sign in their front office - "You don't have to brush all of your teeth, only the ones that you want to keep."

Just a thought!
Until Tomorrow!

Just a thought!
Until Tomorrow!
Tuesday, April 9, 2013
99. Examine Medical Bills
I have found that really examining medical bills can save a bundle. We have had the experience of a medical facility billing us for a procedure that we did not have done. We had to fight for it, but they finally reversed the $300 that they were charging us. Make sure that you review all of the medical bills that are sent to your insurance company, as well. Some insurance companies will send you a reward percentage of the amount of the error.
Happy Proofing!
Until Tomorrow!
Monday, April 8, 2013
98. Quit Smoking
Quitting smoking can save you a bundle! It can also reduce your medical expenses and the cost of your life insurance. Not to mention, the time smoking costs you if you have to exit what you are doing to move into a designated smoking area.
If you need help to quit smoking there are numerous web sites available and your doctor will also have resources for you.
Check into it, you could just save your own life!
Happy Quitting!
Until Tomorrow!
If you need help to quit smoking there are numerous web sites available and your doctor will also have resources for you.
Check into it, you could just save your own life!
Happy Quitting!
Until Tomorrow!
Sunday, April 7, 2013
97. Loose Change Jar
Save your change in a jar! Start with whatever pocket change you have and continue to add every time you come home with change. This "spare" change adds up rather quickly and can then be used for some purchase or deposited into your savings account.
Happy Saving!
Until Tomorrow!
Happy Saving!
Until Tomorrow!
Saturday, April 6, 2013
96. Return It
If you purchase something and the item is not satisfactory, return it. Most stores want to sell you quality items and will accept for refund or exchange an item that is not an acceptable quality. Make sure that you value quality with price and be aware that you get what you pay for. Also, if you purchase something that you end up not needing (as in a piece of a project), return it as soon as possible. This habit not only saves you money, but also keeps the clutter out of your home and out of the landfill.
Happy Shopping!
Until Tomorrow!
Happy Shopping!
Until Tomorrow!
Friday, April 5, 2013
95 Wash & Wear
When you are purchasing clothing make sure that you check the fabric care tag prior to your purchase. Sometimes clothes that seem like a great deal will catch you in the wallet with care guidelines that cost you more than you expected. Make sure that you are also aware of the care that is required to make your clothing last longer.
Check the tag!
Until Tomorrow!

Until Tomorrow!
Thursday, April 4, 2013
94. Check Your Inventory
So that you don't spend unnecessarily make sure that you double check your inventory before shopping. When making your shopping list, make sure that you have checked for all of your ingredients. By double checking your current stock of goods, you can save from having supplies that will outlive their usefulness and have to be tossed.
Happy Shopping!
Until Tomorrow!
Happy Shopping!
Until Tomorrow!
Wednesday, April 3, 2013
93. Bring Your Own Bags
Reduce your trash by bringing your own bags to the grocery. Some stores charge a surcharge if they supply the bags so you could also reduce your store expense.
Happy shopping!
Until Tomorrow!
Happy shopping!
Until Tomorrow!
Tuesday, April 2, 2013
92. Don't Food Shop Hungry
When you are going food shopping, always eat before you go. When you are hungry, you will impulse purchase more and end up spending more money. If you spend a few minutes prior to your shopping trip to make sure that you are not hungry, then you are more likely to stick to your list and reduce your purchase of non-listed items.
Happy shopping!
Until Tomorrow!
Happy shopping!
Until Tomorrow!
Monday, April 1, 2013
91. Ceiling Fans
Using ceiling fans to improve cooling can save a bundle. Make sure that they are turning in the counter-clockwise direction to improve cooling.
Here is a web site for information about correctly using your ceiling fan:
Happy Cooling!
Until Tomorrow!
Here is a web site for information about correctly using your ceiling fan:
Happy Cooling!
Until Tomorrow!
Sunday, March 31, 2013
90. Water Heater Blanket
Saturday, March 30, 2013
89. Wash in Cold
Save money by choosing the cold water wash and rinse for your laundry. We wash our regular laundry in cold and have never had an issue. We get stains out prior to washing and check them before they go into the dryer. Washing in cold also saves your fabric and helps your clothes last longer.
Happy Washing!
Until Tomorrow!
Happy Washing!
Until Tomorrow!
Friday, March 29, 2013
88. Energy Efficient Light Bulbs


Happy lighting!
Until tomorrow!
Thursday, March 28, 2013
87. Getting Back Your Rental Deposit
Over the course of my adult life, I have had the occasion to rent property. I have always gotten a refund of my entire rental deposit almost every time (there was this one time...). There are a few things that we do to make certain that this happens. First, make sure that you clean the place regularly, this keeps down the need to scrub when moving out. Next, clean when moving out. Make sure that you wipe down all of the nooks and crannies. Clean the unexpected places, like the baseboards. Leave the place looking better than when you moved in. Most landlords want to turn the place over pretty quickly and the better that you can leave it, the more likely that they will have less to do when they re-rent it.
A little elbow grease, saves money!
Until Tomorrow!
A little elbow grease, saves money!
Until Tomorrow!
Wednesday, March 27, 2013
86. White Board Shopping List
One way to save money and ensure that you pick up everything needed on your trip to the store is to use a white board. We have one stuck up on our refrigerator with magnets. We use it to write down things that we are running out of as we use them, so that the items can be replenished during our regular shopping trip. We put everything on here, from flour after refilling the counter top canister, to toilet paper after the last roll is put into the bathroom. This keeps us out of the store more often and allows us to keep stocked on essential items without a mad dash around the house during list making time.
Saving time and money!
Until tomorrow!
Saving time and money!
Until tomorrow!
Tuesday, March 26, 2013
85. Bag-less Vacuum
A few years ago, we were having trouble with the suction power of our vacuum. Since we have pets vacuum suction is vital to cleaning our house. We began the search for a new vacuum. We ended up selecting a bag-less variety, because after adding in the cost of bags for other models, we realized that purchasing a bag-less model that was a little more expensive initially would save us money in the long run. Not only saving us money, but keeping those bags out of the landfill saving our environment as well.
Happy vacuuming!
Until Tomorrow!
Happy vacuuming!
Until Tomorrow!
84. Using Sale Items for Menu Planning

Until Tomorrow!
83. Using Cash
You can save money by using cash when shopping. Not only will this keep you on budget, but it is also harder to spend. When handing someone $100 in cash it feels more like a hundred dollars; when you swipe a card, it often doesn't feel like you are really spending the money.
Until tomorrow!
Until tomorrow!
Sunday, March 24, 2013
82. Turning Off Power Vampires


Until Tomorrow!
81. Prepaying for Regular Services

Until tomorrow!
Thursday, March 21, 2013
80. Buying Postage On-line
If you are sending a package through the USPS, buying postage on-line is one money saving option. Although you can only purchase the more elite services on-line, you do get a discount and you can also save yourself a trip to the post office by scheduling a home pick up service. All you need to have is an inexpensive food scale to weigh your packages and a printer to print your shipping label.
Until tomorrow!

Until tomorrow!
Wednesday, March 20, 2013
79. School Photo Stacking
Photo frames can be very pricey and can take up a lot of space. Something that we have done to combat this is to stack the school photos. We purchased a really nice frame for each child, then every time school photos come home, we put the new one on top of the older ones. Thus saving our budget and our table tops (or walls). This, also, forces a little bit of nostalgia looking at all of the old pictures and seeing the changes as the years go by.
Until tomorrow!
Until tomorrow!
Tuesday, March 19, 2013
78. Puzzling Repair
If anyone in your family enjoys puzzles a missing piece can become a problem. We have a cat who likes to play with the pieces if you are not watching and then knocks them onto the floor. Once a piece of cardboard is on the floor, it inevitably becomes a chew toy for one of the dogs. I discovered that one missing piece does not ruin a puzzle. Simply find a piece of cardboard about the correct thickness (we reuse thin boxes or the cardboard that comes in a sheet set), place it under the completed puzzle, trace the missing size onto the cardboard, then cut it out. The hardest step is to color it to become seamless. It doesn't have to be perfect, as long as the colors match the surrounding colors it will work out very well.
Until tomorrow!
Until tomorrow!
Monday, March 18, 2013
77. Buying Used Entertainment Items
There have been many times when someone in our family just had to have some "new" video game. Although in the grand scheme of entertainment, I suppose the cost of the game is not that bad, I just cannot shell out the big bucks for them. So, we discovered the wonder of used. That's right, used games, movies, books, board games, etc. All of these are available used, if you can find that "must have" game used then you can save money on entertainment.
Happy entertainment!
Until tomorrow!
Happy entertainment!
Until tomorrow!
Sunday, March 17, 2013
76. Relocate to Redecorate
When I do Spring Cleaning, I move everything. I redecorate most of the rooms in the house by relocating the furniture, the artwork, the rugs, the curtains, etc. This is one of the cheapest methods of redecorating and making the entire house look fresh and new.
Until tomorrow!
Until tomorrow!
Saturday, March 16, 2013
75. Drop the Heating Temp
Reduce the heating temperature in your home by a couple of degrees and put on a sweater and socks. This will save you a pretty penny over the course of a year.
Until Tomorrow!
Until Tomorrow!
Friday, March 15, 2013
74. Going to the Movies
We all need some entertainment and my family loves movies. One of the money saving methods we use to reduce the cost of this event is to go to matinee shows, after eating a good lunch. To save money we fill up before we view and we purchase matinee tickets. We don't attend the theater very often, but when we do, we plan it accordingly.
Until tomorrow!
Until tomorrow!
Thursday, March 14, 2013
73. Piece Furnish Rooms
Selecting individual pieces of furniture, and not furniture sets, is usually cheaper and will give you many more options to fit your room. Generally, pre-owned furniture pieces can be paired with other pieces to create a room design that will work for most situations. This does not meant that none of your furniture should be matching, it simply means that working with similar lines and color pallets can create a one-of-a-kind look for your room and save you money in the process.
Until Tomorrow!
Until Tomorrow!
Wednesday, March 13, 2013
72. Laundry Time/Money Saver
One thing that I have found that saves both time and money is to sort your laundry. I know you are thinking that I mean by wash cycle; however, I mean a completely different type of sorting. Sort by the actions that are needed to save your clothing. Sort items into four containers: soak, sew, reuse, donate/sell. The soak container contains items that are stained and need to be treated and soaked, waiting until you have enough clothes and time to take care of. The sew container is for items that need simple updates or repairs. The reuse container is for items that need a total reconditioning or need to be divided up for cleaning rags, etc. The donate/sell container is for items that need to be re-homed. By having these containers to sort the clothing into as it is laundered, you can save both money and time.
Happy Saving!
Until Tomorrow!
Happy Saving!
Until Tomorrow!
Tuesday, March 12, 2013
71. Static Eraser
Have a lot of static build up? Try making a static reducing spray. 1 part liquid fabric softener to 20 parts water. Simply put into a spray bottle and spray static filled fabrics.
Until tomorrow!
Until tomorrow!
Monday, March 11, 2013
70. Repairing Clogged/Stinky Drains
If you have clogged or slow drains, before calling a plumber, try the baking soda and vinegar method. This also works for stinky drains. Pour a small amount of baking soda down the drain, then follow with vinegar. Once the bubbling stops, flush with hot water. This should help in clearing the drain without the expense of a plumber.
Until tomorrow!
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